Tuesday 9 April 2013

One Love Wallpaper Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

One Love Wallpaper Definition


You know the song?  “One love…let’s get together n feel alright…”.  Catchy tune, few would deny.  Similar lyrics, of course, resound throughout the annals of musicology.  The Beatles have covered the idea, U2, Bob Marley, and a host of others.  Its all about the love, right?  Right.  …and wrong, it would appear, if logic holds.  Or at least, “the love” must be defined.  
Imagine this scene:
Mom wakes up, pours herself a cup of coffee, and as she is readying herself for the day her little ones, three of them, all under 10, come bounding into the kitchen.  Each, within moments, announces their plan for the day.  Sarah, a blue-eyed, golden fleeced, ball of personality says, “Mom, I am dropping out of school, leaving the second grade, and moving away with David, my third grade boyfriend.  We are going to become movie stars!  We love movies! And I love him.  See ya.”  Just behind her, comes Dylan, a tiger-like, energetic, and abrasive third grader, who announces, “Mom!  Mom!  Mom!  Listen up!  I no longer love you.  I love Danny’s mom (his third grade friend’s mom), she’s smokin hot, loves to cook brownies for dinner, and let’s Danny walk around in his briefs whenever he wants.  Cool. I am moving in with them.  By the way, they live with three other families in a ‘community’ and they all love each other.  They all love each other so much, they share daddies and mommies.  I think I will be happier there.  See ya.”  Mom, with a cheery grin upon her face, as if nothing startling has happened, looks down at little Branson (her five year old), and says, “Well, my little Bran Muffin, what’s on your plate today?  You leaving too?”  Branson, wide-eyed and ready as ever, not missing a beat, proclaims, “Mommy, I’m not in school, I don’t care for movies too much, and you’re my favorite mommy…I just want to have fun with you.  I love you Mommy.”
No, this scene did not really unfold, at least not that I observed.  Yet, I think there are some truths to be drawn from it.  What you will notice is that each of the little ones is pursuing a path because of “love”.  Sarah, is in “love” with her older heart-throb, and with the movies, and the life offered to her there, so, she is setting off on her new path.  Dylan, the little tiger, is in “love” with Danny’s hot mom, brownies, dressing down, way down, and the new loving community his friend’s family is a part of, and so, he is on his way.  And Branson, the little tyke, just loves his mom, and wants to hang with her.
Now, I ask simply, whose love looks most realistic and promising?  Moreover, whose “love” appears to be based in a reality which one can live by?  Lastly, is it a stretch to suggest, that despite each little one’s proclamation of “love”, perhaps, one or more has no true concept of what love really is?  Any sane person, I think, would have to suggest that Branson is more on target than the other two at this juncture in their young lives.
Going a bit further with this little episode on love, could we not suggest that the Mom in this scene would be totally remiss, a horrible example of parenthood even, should she not step in and make an all out attempt to explain reality and the nature of love to her little ones who are about to run headlong into ruin?  Would she be considered a legitimate mother if she did not lay down some pretty clear guidelines and parental advice at this stage of the game?  Would we consider her “loving” if she said nothing to Dylan and Sarah?  If she just allowed them to “take their own journey”, would we hold her up as the picture of virtue, and model our parenting after her?  I think not.  Loving parenthood, if it is to be a reality, includes boundaries, discipline, and ultimatums.
So, with all due respect, why do we allow for similarly untenable modes of thought when it comes to spiritual issues?  Why then do we assume, or choose to assume, that the God of the universe, The Divine Parent, should He exist, just allows anyone and everyone a wide-open, guideline-less, non-exclusive, personal choice or opinion when it comes to ultimate truth?  Does this make sense?  Logically?  Are Dylan, Sarah, and Branson working on equally level and reasonable views of reality?  Are each likely to “get to the same place in the end” if they continue on the paths they have chosen?  I think not.  But its their mind, their choice, their truth, right?  Are each of their paths not all “one truth”?  Clearly not.  They are headed in different, very different directions.  That much is obvious.  No matter how many times they cry, “You have your truth, and I have mine!” …that will never hold water.  Contradictory views cannot equal a same reality.  We learn this in Pre K when pointing to colors and shapes and animals.  All things are NOT the same.  Different things are, well, different. 
So here’s the deal.  If human beings are to have any true and definitive sense whatsoever, of what is truly true, there must be a singular standard of measurement.  This is just basic logic.  As academics who study logic and debate know we can take it all the way back to Aristotle and Plato.  Truth by definition, is exclusive.  Those little runts are headed for disaster, plain and simple.  And if no one tells them, ugly things will happen no matter how convinced in their own mind they may be of the “rightness” of their approach to life.
Jesus did in fact say, the historical record shows, “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to God except through me”.  Such a statement, if not true, is the epitome of arrogance and delusion.  If true, the implications are, in the most literal sense, world defining for every person that has ever breathed.  He was either a lunatic, liar, or who He said He was, Lord of heaven and earth.  Think about that for a minute.  We must make a choice about Him.  There is no middle ground on this one.  He did not leave that option open about Himself, and as C.S. Lewis has pointed out, He did not mean to.
Further, regarding a definition for “love”.  The bible states, “God is love”.  And, “Whoever has seen Jesus, has seen the Father (God)”.  So, as logic holds, and as scripture points out in many other places, Jesus, being God, is Love.  He is not a concept, He is living, breathing, active, resurrected, and literal Love in its definitive form.  If we embrace this Love, then indeed, we have found the One Love.  If we choose some other fuzzy, nice sounding, don’t push people too far, don’t inflict your ideas on me-type of “love” principle, …we have something different than love, no matter what we call it.  If Jesus is God and God is Love, nothing else equals full and definitive Love.  Simple and sound math.
However, if we, like errant toddlers, make an attempt to define our own loves and pursuits, we will, despite all convincing of ourselves, only fall upon false hopes which will lead us and leave us wanting in the deepest of ways.  Just as those same toddlers had to live up to the reality that Math class presented them, 2+2=4 (always, and exclusively), so too we must realize, and be utterly thankful that the answer can be known, that Love has been defined and revealed by God, in Christ.  We need look no further.  If we understood this our souls would summersault in joy.  God has shown us Himself, and has given us The Way!!  We don’t have to grope in the dark.  The One who created me, has shown Himself to me!  Wow.
The cultural response, sadly, is typically one of disdain in regard to the suggestion that truth is exclusive.  Yet, if we think it through, we should rejoice in this logical mandate.  Who would find any joy in never knowing who one’s parents are or what their expectations are of them or how to please them?  Who would be happy to know that nothing they believe about their parents is true?  Who would be glad to find out that their parents are actually unknowable?  Who would find anything but madness in the idea that they could never be sure if anything ever said about their parents was in fact reality?  If we are to know our parents or anything for that matter, there must be a basis in reality.  Why would we assume this is not true of God?  If God exists, logic holds that He MUST be, singularly, the most important being in the universe.  He, by definition, would have to be the cause of the universe being here.  If He created it, then by virtue of His being God, there must have been some reason behind His creating act.  If there is a reason behind His creative act of world making, then His creatures must have a purpose.  If these creatures are here for a reason, a purpose, it would seem to hold that this Creator would want them to know their purpose.  If He wanted them to know their purpose, then it would seem to hold that He would provide a way for them to know such purpose.  And basic parenting and logic would hold that if such a Creator, Divine Parent wanted them to know their purpose, then He would take great measure to make it known.  He would not, it seems fair to suggest, offer them thousands of conflicting options.  (And make no mistake, all other religious systems differ greatly not only from Christianity, but from one another.  All claim exclusive rights to truth, even those that exclusively claim a non-exclusive approach)  A loving God, a loving parent, wants the kids to be able to know, love, and walk in intimacy and depth of relationship, based upon reality and truth.  
Here is the most important thing we miss in attempting to run from the reality of exclusive truth.  Well, first, let’s be clear, no one, not even the truth denier, actually maintains that truth is not exclusive.  If you state exclusively that truth is not exclusive, what have you done?  Duh.  You have made an exclusive truth statement.  The very attempt to deny exclusivity, must embrace the logic of exclusivity in order to get there.  Debaters call this a self-referentially absurd statement.  It crushes in upon itself.  There could be no writing, math, speech, technology, law making, …no communication of any sort what so ever, if we did not function, as a matter of logical necessity, upon the principle of truth.  Truth excludes all that is not truth.  This could not be more true of spiritual reality.  This is why, as the scriptures have proclaimed, “The Truth will set you free”.  Truth reveals itself and casts its light upon all that is darkness or untruth.
But, alas, here is the other major fear which lingers in the hearts of misled people and a culture obsessed with self and multiple options.  We fear that the embrace of God’s truth, the One Way approach, will emasculate us as vibrant beings.  The fear of the rebellious heart is that God is out to steal our joy, squash our fun, and make robots of us all.  Yet, again, this smacks of illogic.  God, Creator, purposeful Lover of His creations, desires that we have life and life to the full (John 10:10).  God knows that those little crazed toddlers are in for mortal danger if they follow their own lead, their own mindless passions.  He knows that in walking with Him we actually find the secrets to the life we want, which are no secrets at all, remember, He has revealed Himself.  Just a note here, be very cautious of those who claim to offer you some shaman like “secrets” to life.  God has already given us the road map.  
What we ought to recognize, friends, is that the God of the universe, actually desires that we have a fuller life than we could ever find on our own.  What we perceive to bring us fun, in the end, brings us addiction, confusion, immaturity, emotional scarring, and deception, and leaves the God-placed void unfilled.  What God offers brings the expansion and fulfilling of our hopes.  He actually enlarges our personality, and brings clarity to our minds.  He gives vision for relationships, work, play, and all that life is made of.  He redeems our failures, and ignites our hungers for things which bring a deeper sense of who we are and what life is about.  He enables to fully take in beauty, and to see clearly what dangers lie in deceptive facades.  As Augustine wrote, “Our hearts shall find no rest until they rest in Him”.
God is not out to steal our joy.  He longs to lead us to true joy and peace and pleasure in the purest sense.  All of our experiences come alive in ways we never dreamed of as we walk with Him.  Sex, child-rearing, career, pastimes, music, art, reading, writing, travel, food, …all of it, comes alive in 3-D focus when God is there with us and Jesus is the One Love we crave.  When we recognize that the broken attempts of a world gone mad to find life apart from a definitive view of God, as revealed in Christ, leads only to blunted frustration at best, and madness in many cases, we can exchange the lens of our culture for the lens of scripture, and thereby, see all of our existence in an entirely new and life-giving way.
Any attempt to define reality apart from God’s revealed truth is a farce, an exercise in futility.  If God is not real, then none of it matters.  Let the rapists, the murderers, the swindlers, the cannibals, the dictators, the terrorists, and everyone else alone.  Unless God has set the boundaries we are merely a bunch of well dressed monkeys or highly tuned amoebas playing some silly game with ourselves.  Unless absolute truth has been given by a God of absolute love, there is no reason to desire “fairness” or “morality”, and we should have no concept of love and beauty.  Yet, as we all know, we cannot get away from those concepts.  The fact that they are there points to Truth, Love, Beauty, and a giver of such things.  God is all of these defined.  Jesus, the living God, full of grace and truth, is our heart’s quest even if we don’t yet see it.  He is all we are starving for. 
May we hear His words, in high fidelity, for the first time, or new again, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  Jesus.  One Love.  One Love, indeed.  Amen.
**For more on the historical Jesus, the evidence behind His life, death, and resurrection and for the rational embrace of the Bible as God’s revealed truth and our infallible guide for life, contact Bruce directly.  

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One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

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One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

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One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

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One Love Wallpaper  Background HD for Pc Mobile Phone Free Download Desktop Images

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